low 3rd party support

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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby SnuggleSnail » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:14 pm

Both death and siege have both been removed. Unironically plenty of facebook games have more PVP
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby dagrimreefah » Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:58 pm

Even more reason to hold on to the remnants that remain for fuck's sake, I'd go back to legacy if it wasn't so cancer
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby vatas » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:08 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Both death and siege have both been removed. Unironically plenty of facebook games have more PVP

Important clarification: players have been given effective tools to avoid death and siege, but they're almost entirely hidden in the paratext of forum posts and wiki, that for a new player, they may as well not exist.
Haven and Hearth Wiki (Maintained by volunteers - test/verify when practical. Forum thread

Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong
TL:;DR: Build a Palisade with only Visitor gates.)

Combat Guide (Overview, PVE, PVP) (Includes how to escape/minimize risk of getting killed.)
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Pills » Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:50 am

dagrimreefah wrote:
Pills wrote:- Honestly, if there was a debate for the removal of PvP, i would be on the side of removing it because I don't see enough viable solutions to fix the issues that having it brings to the game now.

You completely lost me there. Haven and Hearth is just literally farmville without PvP. It's dead. Boring. No thrill. I don't understand why retards like you don't see that. Not everyone has an old grandma mindset like you. Like jorb said, it isn't a pvp game but it's a game with pvp in it, which is, whether some people want to admit it or not, one of the alluring aspects of this game.

Also a huge chunk of the game's experience has flaws, so just remove the whole thing? That's like removing your esophagus to relieve heartburn. Can whiny weak hearted man-grandmas PLEASE not gay up this game like they did to every other mmorpg in the last 20 years with PvP in it? Can we have just one fucking game?

I mean, you have a point, without PvP it would be 'mostly' dead for the hardcore pvp players. And for all I do actually enjoy PvP, I personally don't have the time to put up with autistic dickheads who decide they want to spend their entire life trying to bully you in a video game. Yes I think PvP should be in the game, I don't actually want it to be fully removed, however, I also don't see myself playing next world because I just can't be bothered with the drama that comes from playing haven now. Speaking purely anecdotaly, for me the fun from haven comes from the social aspect of the first 2 months of a new world when there are like 30-40 people in the group i'm in playing the game and talking/helping each other. This world was over for me the day snail decided he was going to spend 3 weeks no-lifing outside our walls trying to constantly grief us, I mean, we didn't get seiged and sure the PvP part of it was actually fun, but could I be fucking bothered with it after the 3rd day? Having to get up early to check the fucking game before getting ready for work, or having to jump on the moment I finish work because shit is kicking off, absolutely not. Since having an actual adult life I no longer have the time to be glued to my pc 24/7 to care about and subsequently deal with haven drama, and i'm 99% sure that a significant portion of the player-base likely feels the same way now since the majority of us who are still here from Legacy days are no longer teenagers with no real lives. If that makes me a "whiny weak hearted man-grandmas" for having an actual life then so be it, I couldn't really give a fuck. That's where my issue with PvP lies, I guess that's not an issue with PvP itself, but rather an issue with certain people just not having a life and the dev's not drawing any line at all on absolutely excessive cancerous toxicity.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby SnuggleSnail » Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:16 am

"We specialize in permadeath and forum drama." -man who removed death and deletes every drama thread
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Nightdawg » Fri Jan 20, 2023 3:21 am

Pills wrote:when there are like 30-40 people in the group i'm in

This world was over for me the day snail decided he was going to spend 3 weeks no-lifing outside our walls trying to constantly grief us

Lmao this reminds me of mightysheep bullying 80 people in whatever bay, alone. And they called AD over. Eighty people.

how the fuck do y'all suck at this game so much, 40 of you can't deal with 1 fighter?
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby ItsFunToLose » Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:10 am

Nightdawg wrote:
Pills wrote:when there are like 30-40 people in the group i'm in

This world was over for me the day snail decided he was going to spend 3 weeks no-lifing outside our walls trying to constantly grief us

Lmao this reminds me of mightysheep bullying 80 people in whatever bay, alone. And they called AD over. Eighty people.

how the fuck do y'all suck at this game so much, 40 of you can't deal with 1 fighter?

You're not fun to play with or be around.
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Zentetsuken » Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:30 am

> players give 1000s of actionable development suggestions over the course of the last 12+ years
> some of those suggestions have included making carrying groups of items easier, specifically like a net or creel-type container for bugs and even just the ability to put gems in to coinpurses

jorb: can you guys even give us 1 actionable development suggestion for the first times in your stupid lives you fucking retards???????????? it only takes TWO MINUTES!!!!!!!!

> devs implement bundles for items nobody ever asked for
> bugs get the smallest and most useless bundle
> literally no bundle for gems

> every single aspect of the entire update was implemented in a broken and exploitable state
> it would have taken only TWO MINUTES to think of or test the ways they could be exploited and fix them before implementing

> mrw

Last edited by Zentetsuken on Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby Nightdawg » Fri Jan 20, 2023 4:40 pm

jorb wrote:Could you take two minutes and write down the top N suggestions you'd like to see? I have no idea what it is you feel I have been ignoring.

Anyway, now that we've all listed a bunch of stuff we've been actively mentioning for the past 6 years, I just want to confirm with the boys, are we back to us still complaining about them and you ignoring us? :lol:
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Re: low 3rd party support

Postby bumfrog » Fri Jan 20, 2023 6:05 pm

jorb when he sees all the fresh Actionable Suggestions:

keep em coming fellas. We c&i thread now, bad moderations decisions and all

Here’s a freebie:
  • make boulders dropping from cave walls a toggle, earned by buying the “Tunneling” skill
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