Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

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Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby reexar77 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:33 am


Can we all agree people are a bit heated lately?

Yes the previous update might of been a bit underwhelming for some however it doesn't seem like a need for bullying and hate throwing towards the devs helping the situation, Both Jorb and Loftar have been working on this game for ages now, it's been over a decade, they remade the game from 2D to 3D before there even was a cash shop to support them back then, overhauled features over features both good but mostly bad and for the best in a lot of situations(looking at you twitch hunting).

It just seems and feels bad and extremely immature to be so mean and outright bully the devs because of a not so big update and then complain of a lack of update when they probably have something bigger down the pipe to not deliver such a small update, yes it's important to be vocal about the bad things in the game, it's what helps them fix those problems, but there's only 2 devs, one does the art stuff, one is the code monkey, there's only so many problems that can be addressed at once from a logical point of view.

The whole point of this post is, try to be a bit nicer to the devs? yes be vocal about the problems of the game, report bad features in a explanatory manner and report bugs, but not outright harass them as a community when they have been working on this game for over a decade.

Veterans always say how the game is bad, but if it's as bad as people say then why do some of us still play it after so many years? some players at the moment were part of world 7 world 6 maybe even older, the game was 2D back then barely a prototype that's over 10 years ago.

Just try to be nicer, it's just a total loss to beat on the devs and then expect them to be hard at work on a patch or outright say they don't care, ignore the community and so on, lots of problems of worlds past have been fixed and people don't even remember those problems at times, it would be a real shame if they outright abandon the project because of the community being too harsh at times for minor inconvenience.

So just be nice, play it out, being nice and vocal will keep things improving slowly or quickly time will only know :D
Last edited by reexar77 on Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby Nightdawg » Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:56 am

Buy gold sub btw
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby noindyfikator » Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:45 am

It's indie game with very small community. I've probably spend the most money on this game than on anything else because I believed in this product, so it's obvious I want them to do smth. I don't want to teach Jorbtar how to do business but they clearly don't know how to make a valid product.

If your game is an indie game with small community you SHOULD (read. HAVE TO) communicate with your community, listen (carefully) to your community, provide regular feedback about what's going on with the game etc.

Recently (read. last years) devs totally ignored their community providing us low tier patches with useless things which 95% of players will never use. They didn't fix anything people were asking for months. A lot of key features players are begging to be added became now MEMES. Client is a joke, if you don't have your own client you are suffering from playing this game. They barely visit the forum, don't reply in technical thread where people can't run their game.

I can write an essay about how bad they are into business but don't have time for that.

Imagine they spend 30 min a day to communicate with community and this game would be perfect. But.. I think 30 min is their weekly development time.

#afraid #unfortunate #aiming #nextmonth #nextyear
Last edited by noindyfikator on Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby SnuggleSnail » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:02 am

Jorbtar cop a lot of shit that they don't deserve, every front facing game dev does. That said, your optimism would be gone within a year of playing haven at a moderately high level.

It sounds kinda Karen-y to say, but I've paid hundreds of dollars for haven. I deserve a product that doesn't get arbitrarily broken every other patch without ever being fixed. I deserve to not be obligated to maintain my own client to play the game.

The core issue with the game is not that Jorbtar is lazy, or uninterested, or don't listen. The issue is that they've nearly zero first hand experience playing haven, and the experience they do have is informed by them cheating, playing alone, avoiding conflict, and not caring very much about their progression. Their experience isn't representative of anybody's playstyle.

Their entire M.O. is to read a 3 page essay on fixing something that any normal player would intuitively know is broken, then in the same breath fucking up the game again in a way that any normal player could see is horseshit at the conceptualization stage. Constructive criticism from 500 different people with different playstyles/experience levels is not going to help somebody who isn't qualified to evaluate that constructive criticism. It's literally all dice rolls, which is kindof upsetting.
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby reexar77 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:18 am

The game is free to play.

Verification , premium, hats etc, or so on all of them are just to "support" the game

and yes I do pay for all of those things even now, and I played at a high level for multiple worlds despite being a hermit nowadays, pvp is shit atm, but there's more to the game than pvp and mid-maxing it to bloody blazes, botting and so on.

The game isn't a product since you don't purchase a product to begin with, you play if for free.

the fact that people use cash for certain advantages and cosmetics doesn't mean you own the game, it's a free product which you decided to "support" there's a big big word on Support since at the end of the day if the game shuts down, you don't own a product all those payments , all that money spent is gone for good cause it's pretty much a donation in terms of sales and legal point of view.

If I donate to a cause, no matter the amount of money I spend on it, since I don't own it, I merely supported it I got no saying in the ways it's made, merely suggestions.

being mad at a developer for not making the changes I Demand not request towards their project just because I donated towards it, it's just being salty about it.
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby Halbertz » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:21 am

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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby Nightdawg » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:22 am

SnuggleSnail wrote:It sounds kinda Karen-y to say, but I've paid hundreds of dollars for haven.

Basically you're part of the problem

Like many of us, to some extent...
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby SnuggleSnail » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:38 am

Support my farm by buying these potatos. Oh, they're rotten? Good thing you didn't buy a product from me, you were just supporting me or whatever...
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby reexar77 » Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:03 pm

SnuggleSnail wrote:Support my farm by buying these potatos. Oh, they're rotten? Good thing you didn't buy a product from me, you were just supporting me or whatever...

A better example would be

Support my Park by buying bikes and skateboards from me, you bought the bikes and skateboards to feel cool in the park and move faster than pedestrians but you dislike the bumpy roads and dried up trees in the park, so now you say you own the park because you bought the bikes and skateboards in order to support it and demand for the roads to be fixed, but the park was free, the park wasn't a product, the product you already enjoy, the place you enjoy it on the other leg isn't exactly what you wished for.

so no you own and accessory to something much larger that whatever you think you own and paid for.
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Re: Stop bullying the devs, It's counterproductive

Postby SnuggleSnail » Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:05 pm


didn't read, but this is probably appropriate
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