Official Chatgpt discussion thread

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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby Archiplex » Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:27 am

dagrimreefah wrote:
rfxDarth wrote:Very much so, yes. How else would crap like religions and conspiracies exist otherwise?

No, they are not. Basically what you're saying is people have no agency of their own and should have their speech restricted because, like children, they can't control themselves. Well, you can make that argument about anything. Taking that to it's logical conclusion, feeding myself is dangerous because I could get fat and die of a heart attack, therefore my diet should be restricted by The State. I reject that idea wholeheartedly.
rfxDarth wrote:Do you think... climate change are also braindead ideas?

If you actually bought into the Climate Change™ (formerly Global Warming™) bullshit, you are indeed braindead.
There has never been a single piece of verifiable data that conclusively correlates the Earth's atmospheric CO2 levels with rising global temperatures. EVER.
The entire foundation of Climate Change™ rests on IPCC funded computer models. Datasets from weather balloons and satellites (actual data, not wildly inaccurate CMIP-5 predictions), show a huge divergence between reality and IPCC models. Additionally, the climate's sensitivity to carbon-dioxide is probably the most critical piece to the climate models. This is how the wildly inaccurate predictions were and are calibrated. GIGO. Garbage in garbage out. Adjust the sensitivity and the sky is the limit to your claims of Climate Change™.

Then we have historic atmospheric CO2 levels as measured by ice core samples:
According to this graph, CO2 levels in the Cambrian era used to be *7,000 ppm*; that's *TWENTY TIMES HIGHER* than today. (note how it was cooler during that same time) In fact, historically speaking, we're hovering at a record LOW for CO2. You'd think you climate cultists would be excited with all of the new plant food being introduced into the atmosphere. Oh wait, that doesn't fit the political narrative that's supposed to convince us all to live like peasants while Al Gore continues to wrack up $10,000 a month in electricity bills in one of his many beachside mansions...

my mans really thinks the only cause of the world being cold or not is just co2 emissions
idk maybe you should google "why did we have ice ages" instead of just assuming that because the world is cold during a time of high atmospheric carbon that it clearly means carbon has no effect on environmental temperature

like do you just think co2 == heat or something? where do you think a majority of the earth's heat comes from? how has that changed over literal millions of years? what's the CURRENT impact of carbon emissions when you factor that in?
im not making any statements just google it, you literally have 95% of the world's scientific information at your fingertips
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby dagrimreefah » Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:00 am

Archiplex wrote:my mans really thinks the only cause of the world being cold or not is just co2 emissions
idk maybe you should google "why did we have ice ages" instead of just assuming...

Speaking of assuming, I never said or even implied that I thought global CO2 levels determined the Earth's temperature, you just assumed that... However, climate retards like yourself actually DO think that...Talk about no self awareness LMAO
No, I think the sun is the main contributing factor to global temps, by a long shot.
Archiplex wrote:ike do you just think co2 == heat or something?

No you fucking buffoon, did you even read my post, idiot? Again: the bedrock of your "Global Warming" (oops, I mean "Climate Change) religion is increased CO2 levels==heat. YOUR OWN "EXPERTS" AND IPCC COMPUTER MODELS MAKE THAT CLAIM, NOT ME. YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN CLIMATE RELIGION
Archiplex wrote:where do you think a majority of the earth's heat comes from?

The sun.
Archiplex wrote:how has that changed over literal millions of years? what's the CURRENT impact of carbon emissions when you factor that in?

Factor what in, dumbass? You don't even make any sense. We're at near historic lows for atmospheric CO2 levels (<400ppm). Plants die at 150 ppm btw.
Archiplex wrote:im not making any statements just google it, you literally have 95% of the world's scientific information at your fingertips

I have, going on 20 years now. I've researched extensively about this stupid hoax for 20 years now. I have a folder full of books, articles and essays pertaining to astrophysics and climate just so I can argue against you braindead retards. There are literally tens of thousands of scientists who spoke and continue to speak out against this retarded POLITICAL hoax (and yes, it's 100% political) but their voices are silenced, they are fired, or they stop receiving grant funding.

As a scientist you can literally get all the grant money you want for any project as long as you insert "and the effects of Climate Change" in the title.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby sMartins » Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:32 am

Climate change as it is told to us, and let it be noted that it is often the same agencies that dominate this world that tell us this kind of tale. That is, all this ecological, 'green' transition that the European Union is so much in favour of, are we sure that it is a project in the direction of getting out of the real danger we are experiencing?

That is the question.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby sMartins » Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:42 am

Surely there is a danger, not only climatic, for example I don't know how many species go extinct every day because of man, we are the danger, and we have arrived at apocalyptic times, that is, times when all this comes to the surface, is revealed and we can no longer pretend nothing is happening.
We can no longer continue like this, self-centred and belligerent.

These are apocalyptic times.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby sMartins » Mon Mar 20, 2023 11:55 am

And in these kinds of times, you must be joyful, because anything can happen, we are facing a great anthropomorphic change, rejoice and study, work to make it happen as quickly as possible.

An era of humanity is ending and a new splendour awaits us.

Do you know that we are now, right now, revolving around the sun in one of the 100 million galaxies? Right now?

We are in the world for 5 minutes, let's have fun and prepare a better future, it's time to cut the crap.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby sMartins » Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:02 pm

Begin with yourselves.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby Zentetsuken » Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:32 pm

yall must have some boring lives
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby bumfrog » Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:37 pm

ooh ooh what shape is the earth though? My money’s on cubic (the Agencies don’t want you to know that everything is cubic)
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby sMartins » Mon Mar 20, 2023 6:25 pm

ooh ooh now we are at the conspiracy.

I do not know exactly what I am aiming at with these words, perhaps I would simply like a little message to reach your heart.
You see, the world doesn't work with, I like it, I don't like it.
It is very complex, and you have to think for yourself.
Climate change, then the conspiracy ..... do you realise that you are repeating the TV playlist? Do you see that?
Of course, you talk about what you listen to.

For example, do we want to talk about conspiracy?
Conspiracies do not exist? Or do they exist? Does no conspiracy exist or do some exist and some do not? It is complex .... you cannot solve everything in true or false, black or white.

Of course conspiracies exist, after all, couldn't there be a word of something that doesn't exist? huh? Or refer to?
A famous one, for example, is that of the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Then usually conspiracies, whether successful or not, quickly come to light.
It is also true that there are no world conspiracies to start the Trojan War, or to poison a population with plague .... but it is also true that Homer taught us that no one is always someone's name.

So? What am I saying?
Think with your head and feed your head, there may not be planetary plots but there are interests, always, of whatever nature ... right now I too have an interest that you listen to what I say, that it is logical to you, that it makes sense to you, to the best of my ability.
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Re: Official Chatgpt discussion thread

Postby HuntDogs » Mon Mar 20, 2023 7:28 pm

Boy this thread is a hoot. May as well send my takes in and see what happens.
I have no computer science background, but I am a graduate chemist, and I can say for sure that a lot of tech revolves around money. You need investors and grant money to go anywhere, and so opening up chatgpt to the public like this is both a good way to farm data and spread hype (such as this discussion).
I won't get too philosophical but after a lot of thought i'm pretty sure even the most advanced AI is not sentient and/ or has no will. If you assume such is the case, then the tech is purely objective leaving the user/ programmer as arbiter to what its purpose is. So i do think leaving it publically available would be a good thing, because it's certainly going to be powerful and i'd like as few secrets as possible. Abusing would just another matter of personal repsonsibility because now that this thing is out here it can't be undone so we oughta learn to live with it. It's the newest tool in the kit.
To entertain the idea of hyper advanced AI being an existence similar to our own, what a complete moral obscenity that we should stop toying with immediately. Can you imagine if your creator entity was along side you? Asking YOU for answers? Making YOU do shit by their program even though you never asked for life? The slightest shred of empathy dictates stopping that problem before it ever begins. What a nightmare, at least we humans have blissful ignorance.
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