Local Area Network [CLOSED]

Company of Dwarves seeking thief for dangerous mission. Find a group or village to play with here.

Local Area Network [CLOSED]

Postby Rodimus » Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:47 pm

Seek Refuge in Local Area Network! A Haven for the Unconventional Adventurer!

Greetings, wanderers of Haven & Hearth! Are you tired of the cutthroat competition and constant battles for dominance? Yearning for a place where you can savor the game at your own pace without the pressure of PvP conflicts? Look no further! Local Area Network beckons to those who march to the beat of a different drum, offering a sanctuary for like-minded souls seeking a laid-back yet self-sufficient haven.

Embrace the Unique Spirit of Local Area Network

Amidst the chaos and intensity that defines Haven & Hearth, Local Area Network stands as an oasis of tranquility. We welcome adventurers who value camaraderie, cooperation, and an appreciation for the art of relaxation. In our village, you can indulge in your favorite aspects of the game without the burden of PvP engagements, knowing that you must still be capable of defending yourself.

What Awaits You in Local Area Network

  • Serene Atmosphere
    Local Area Network is a place to unwind, where the stresses of PvP conflicts are left at the door. Enjoy the game at your own pace, soak in the beauty of the realm, and bask in the company of fellow adventurers who share your peaceful mindset.
  • Self-Sufficiency
    While we cherish a laid-back vibe, we expect our residents to be self-reliant and capable of holding their own in the face of challenges. Develop your skills, gather resources, and protect your personal interests, as each adventurer is responsible for their own well-being.
  • Collaboration and Support
    In our village, cooperation flourishes. Seek assistance from fellow residents, exchange knowledge, and join forces for collective projects that enhance the community as a whole. Together, we shall create a haven that nurtures our shared values.
  • Endless Exploration
    Venture into uncharted territories, uncover hidden treasures, and engage in non-aggressive activities that expand your horizons. Whether it's tending to your garden, pursuing artisanal crafts, or delving into the mysteries of the land, Local Area Network encourages diverse interests.

Find Your Peaceful Refuge in Local Area Network!

If you yearn for a place where you can savor Haven & Hearth's wonders without the constant threat of PvP battles, then Local Area Network welcomes you with open arms. Join our community of kindred spirits who value relaxation, independence, and the joy of unhurried adventures.

How to Join our Peaceful Retreat

Visit our serene village by following the path to Discord. Seek out our welcoming residents, share your intentions, and demonstrate your ability to fend for yourself when need be. Together, we shall create a tranquil haven where you can flourish in your own unique way.

Local Area Network: Where peace and adventure intertwine in perfect harmony!
Rodimus wrote:
While Local Area Network offers solace and respite, we must caution you about the inherent dangers that persist beyond our village's borders. The untamed wilderness presents formidable challenges, including hostile animals and PvP enthusiasts who find pleasure in the thrill of battle.

Warning: Joining Local Area Network may cause increased levels of fun, camaraderie, and unforgettable adventures, with potential side-effects including excessive laughter, a sense of belonging, and an insatiable desire to explore Haven & Hearth together with newfound friends. User-discretion is advised.
Last edited by Rodimus on Tue Aug 15, 2023 10:06 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Local Area Network [Recruiting]

Postby Rodimus » Wed Aug 02, 2023 9:33 am

Still looking for calm and reasonable people.
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Re: Local Area Network [Recruiting]

Postby dagrimreefah » Wed Aug 02, 2023 6:45 pm

Rodimus wrote:calm and reasonable people.

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Re: Local Area Network [Recruiting]

Postby Rodimus » Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:44 am

Hark, brave souls of Haven & Hearth, should thou seek to tread the path to our village, the esteemed L.A.N, ye must heed the following requirements, for entry into our realm and embrace our noble pursuits:

Pledging to Abide by Village Tenets
Honor the laws and tenets of our village, which govern the conduct of all esteemed members. Immerse thyself in the scrolls of wisdom to comprehend the foundation of our cherished principles. The following rules must thus be of your concern:

    1). Fervent Activity
    A loyal presence within our fair lands is paramount. Thy commitment shall be proven through frequent attendance and active engagement in the daily affairs of the village. Participate in communal endeavors, for unity strengthens our bonds.

    2). Respect and Courtly Demeanor
    Our code of chivalry demands utmost respect. Treat thy brethren with the courtesy befitting a knight of honor. Chaos, discourtesy, or any malicious intent shall find no home within our realm.

    3). Epistolary Proficiency
    Communication is the sinew that binds our village together. Be fluent in the art of discourse, for Discord shall serve as our virtual hall of gathering. Therein shall we exchange tidings and orchestrate our endeavors.

    4). Mastery of the Common Tongue (English)
    Let thine words be adorned in the language of the realm, English, for it shall serve as our official means of communication. An understanding of this tongue is vital for harmonious discourse.

    5). A Willing Heart for Cooperation
    Our village thrives on the virtue of cooperation. Pledge thine unwavering allegiance to collaborate with fellow denizens, sharing thy resources and aiding in noble quests to prosper our realm.

    6). A Merry Disposition
    A cheerful spirit lights the hearth of fellowship. Approach each interaction with mirth and camaraderie, for our village shall be a haven for joyous hearts and harmonious souls.

    7). Guardian of Secrets

    The sanctity of privacy is sacred within our walls. Preserve the secrets and personal lore of thy brethren, unless freely offered unto thee.


Should thou find thy spirit align with these noble requirements, declare thy intention and present thyself before the council of the L.A.N. Thy presence shall be celebrated, and thou shalt embark on a grand journey, weaving the rich tapestry of our village's history within the realm of Haven & Hearth.
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Re: Local Area Network [CLOSED]

Postby NewPlayer69 » Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:57 pm

Hey mate, the discord link is dead.
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Re: Local Area Network [CLOSED]

Postby Rodimus » Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:59 am

NewPlayer69 wrote:Hey mate, the discord link is dead.

Hey mate, we're not recruiting.
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