World 14 Reset Megathread

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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby The_Blode » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:26 pm

AlexNT wrote:The best part of literally any game is being able to start over. You become better and you try again. That's how games have been played since the dawn of humanity. Why some developers don't get this is mind boggling.

I fall too deep into this trap though. Some games, like Rimworld and Oxygen Not Included, trap me in a cycle of starting a new colony, making a mistake, and once that mistake feels like it's snowballing, I restart and try anew.
As a result I've given myself an IRL disability where I feel like shit is unrecoverable and needs to be thrown away and re-done. It's not a healthy mindset to have because that's often not an option.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby AlexNT » Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:31 pm

The_Blode wrote:
AlexNT wrote:The best part of literally any game is being able to start over. You become better and you try again. That's how games have been played since the dawn of humanity. Why some developers don't get this is mind boggling.

I fall too deep into this trap though. Some games, like Rimworld and Oxygen Not Included, trap me in a cycle of starting a new colony, making a mistake, and once that mistake feels like it's snowballing, I restart and try anew.
As a result I've given myself an IRL disability where I feel like shit is unrecoverable and needs to be thrown away and re-done. It's not a healthy mindset to have because that's often not an option.

I think many can relate to different degrees. But resets every 6 months wouldn't have this specific issue.

Also, by its nature almost any game is something one can abandon to start over, so you're essentially making an argument against games in general. :)

Almost anything applied in excessive amounts or carelessly is dangerous, and games are a notorious example, yes.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby Aerona » Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:53 pm

Adjusting your goals can help. If you're focused on achieving a great success, then starting over whenever a failure cascade begins to happen will start to seem like a good idea. If you're focused on your own inward experience, experimenting, or contributing to something greater than yourself, it's easier to relax and just do the best you can in a bad situation. The game does need to accommodate that, though, I wouldn't want to play something where only the most dedicated and fortunate get to participate meaningfully.
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby abt79 » Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:09 pm

kinda not feeling like playing w14 atm, any chance of a reset in the near future?
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Re: World 14 Reset Megathread

Postby jorb » Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:16 pm

abt79 wrote:kinda not feeling like playing w14 atm, any chance of a reset in the near future?

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