Audiosmurf wrote:I thought ctrl+tab to cycle targets was vanilla
Even if that's true, thats barely one card out of a full deck. You also need to be able to mark your targets so your allies can see who you are switching to, you need to be able to target closest, you need to be able to see the combat manuevers, defenses, and coins above everyones head. This is all vital information.
Pvpers also like to play with cliffs specifically because we know alot of people don't have terrain flatenning. At a minimum, if the terrain is not flat, you won't be able to join the fight especially if the cliffs are bad enough, and you will be left behind a long time ago. Swinging your camera around might help you if you are lucky, and you can angle yourself, and then click fast enough. However, best case, the other fighters are already half a minimap away because they didn't need to do anything that you are doing with your larper client.
One of the reason's for being easily left behind, is because a pvper will jump down the cliff, then immediatly jump back up, while the larpers can't even see that he's doing this. So, they don't jump back up until he's already all the way up, because they can't even see he's jumping on their clients, the cliff is fully obscuring their view. You are not a pvper if you use a larper client, you are food. Even 10v1 I would feel 100% safe going up against larpers, you have no way to catch me, you have no way to coordinate, you have no way to fight me, simply because you are playing with a single card out of a otherwise full deck.
Loftar needs to add the bare essentials to the launcher client, and he needs to do it yesterday. If he keeps relying on the players to fix the client for him, he's damaging his own game. Since the only useable public client is ards, and it gives terrible fps, that means all of havens fps is terrible.
Early world exploit: Put your hearthfire inside a cave, then hold shift to position a claim right in front of a cave. After 8 hours the claim will be unbreakable. Since your hearthfire is inside the cave, you can still get back inside, and leave, but nobody will be able to enter, effectively making you unraidable for the first 3-7 days. Enjoy