2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

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2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Broccolo » Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:36 am

Ok i checked and did find wall text of formulas that explain it... but cant really put my head around it, so i'd like someone that will "take my hand" and guide me thought this, (the forumals will come after..i hope)

So this is what i know (AKA: what i THINK i know about this)

Eating will raise then hunger level and the FEP, Fep is straight forward: you reach a certain score, the game roll a dice and will raise one attribute depending on what you've eat so far
hunger is where the things get complicated: the more you eat, the more food loses efficency, so in order to get energy and FEp you actually need to eat more food, but tto much food is bad cause after a certain level of satiety, bad(or annoyng) things will happen. Satiety/Hunger go down by itself by only, and ONLY by time, so if you gorge yourself (like i did ) you'll need a lot of real life days without eating to get it down

there is also the Food satiety for speicific type (or group?) of food, for istance if i ate 3 Nutjerky, i will have in the tap "food satiety, Nutjerky 19%" thani 'll ate 2 ant pupas i will also have "Food satiety Antpupae 9%" (all this value are arbitrary, i made it up now for the sake of the example)

but recently i've read around that: you are actually suppose to eat, and eat a lot, and frequently! and that using different kind of food actually bring down satiety.... and i get COMPLETELY LOST. i also figured that i cannot really read the food tooltip as i belived.

ill use a common beetroot as example, and i um using Ender:

Energy 100%; Hunger 2% ; Energy/hunger 50%
Perception +1: 0.52 (62.5%)
Charisma +1: 0.31 (37.5)
FEP Sum 0.84; FEP/Hunger : 4.2

the only real thing i can get of of this with certainty (..i think) is that i will get 62.5% chances of getting +1 perception when the FEP will happen...

so, if somebody wil lhave the patience to explain it to me with simple terms but in fully, i will really appriciate that
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Hesufo » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:04 am

All you need to know as a sprucecap is: forget about every food except for spitroast fish and berries / nuts.
Make a table and the best symbel items and always feast for FEP gains.
Make 5+ roasting spits and keep them up with fish all the time you're online. When they're done eat them ASAP. Go for variety. If eating one fish leaves your FEP bar just short of gaining a stat, eat a 0.1% fruit (mulberry, cherry, blackberry etc) or a 0.2% hunger nut (roasted chestnut, hazelnut etc). When one fish starts giving you about half your bar, eat two per stat, and so on.
You're welcome. Come back when your stats are 100+

For the TLDR on mechanics:
Hunger lowers the overall bonus FEP for eating. Long-term debuff
Satiety lowers the FEP bonus of a specific item. Short-term.
VARIETY bonus lowers the total FEP required to gain a specific stat each time you eat a different food item (within a single stat gain)
The base FEP you need for the next stat gain is always based on your highest attribute.

So you want to maximize FEP/hunger on foods, balance your stats gains, and not eat way too much of a single item short-term (up to 30-40% satiety is okay for good foods),

My advice is to simplify, do the fish strat and if you wanna branch out and try other foods only go for foods that are 100 FEP/hunger point or more (use Ender Client)
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Dawidio123 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:04 pm

Hesufo wrote:Advice

Basically this, try the fishing strat until you are around 100 stats and watch your hunger/satiations. (Honestly now that hunger resets are gone idk if it's even worth to eat ANYTHING until you get at least some metal symbel but it shouldn't matter for a new player)
Some things to add:
Satiations also decreases hunger of a food, that means it's always worth to keep eating the food as long as you fep on the same amount of it (or even with a small finisher like a berry/nut).
Fep needed to get a stat is based on your highest attribute so you should really focus on keeping your feps balanced as much as possible, but there are some stats that are harder to get than others at this stage of the game so it's fine if you fall behind on some.

Furthermore, this system incentivizes you to not have just one character but a couple of them for different tasks, i recommend at least 3, one main char for fighting/hunting that gets str/agi/con, a miner char that HIGHLY focuses on str but make sure to get some consti too, and a crafter character that can focus on all the crafting stats such as dex/perc/psyche/etc. ideally you'd want that char to have 200-300 stats in all due to how gilding system works. You will also want to get around 200-300 intelligence on each of them.

On the topic of looking at fep/hunger, it's just a rule of thumb, more or less (depending on how good your table is) a +1 is worth 1-3% of hunger and a +2 is worth 3-5% of hunger, which might seem like a lot but you constantly drop hunger and with good table you won't even notice it, but for starters just stick to fish since they are pretty much op in that stage of the game by having only 0.5% hunger and giving a lot of fep.
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Broccolo » Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:02 pm

ok i have grasp some of what you told me, but something is still amiss.

so the FEP is based on my highest attribute (witch is STR at 49 and the FEP meter says it needs 42.44 in order to get something) so i should raise them equally...than why eat only fish? and i assume you meant roasted fish meat, most of them will raise the same stat(or at least all the fish i got so far raise int an char, or int and perc ( or something like that) so isnt this focusing on some stats only?

also, variety is on the specific food item or a food group? for istance: a boiled river mussel, a roasted fish and a wellplaiced pie (all sea food) are 3 separate items for food satiety, or are all "Fish food/sea food" for the game? i've read something in this forum (dont know how old it was) that was making fun on how some fish food are considered poultry by the game.

i also dont know how much "early" in the cooking matter i am, i can make a decent amount of dishes, did you need a list ?
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Dawidio123 » Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:58 pm

Broccolo wrote:ok i have grasp some of what you told me, but something is still amiss.

so the FEP is based on my highest attribute (witch is STR at 49 and the FEP meter says it needs 42.44 in order to get something) so i should raise them equally...than why eat only fish? and i assume you meant roasted fish meat, most of them will raise the same stat(or at least all the fish i got so far raise int an char, or int and perc ( or something like that) so isnt this focusing on some stats only?

also, variety is on the specific food item or a food group? for istance: a boiled river mussel, a roasted fish and a wellplaiced pie (all sea food) are 3 separate items for food satiety, or are all "Fish food/sea food" for the game? i've read something in this forum (dont know how old it was) that was making fun on how some fish food are considered poultry by the game.

i also dont know how much "early" in the cooking matter i am, i can make a decent amount of dishes, did you need a list ?

Check the wiki to get information about fish. And we meant spitroasted and dried fish. You can get str from sturgeons/mullets, agi from eels, consti from cave sculpins, etc. There is A LOT of fish for int tho.
They both give very decent feps and only take 0.5% hunger so they are more efficient than basically anything else at your stage. Like you can eat two pieces of fish and it only costs the same as a roasted meat (Arguably takes more satiations but eh).
Variety is on specific food. Same goes for satiations.
Basically think about it this way, if you are using up more than 1-2% (without accounting for table) per +1 stat gain, then it's bad especially on low stats and bad table.
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Broccolo » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:45 pm

ok thats clarify a little bit more.

but yes...i think im doing it bad than.

how can i lower the satiation for a specific food, is it possible or it goes down only on his own ?
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Hesufo » Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:18 pm

Broccolo wrote:ok i have grasp some of what you told me, but something is still amiss.

so the FEP is based on my highest attribute (witch is STR at 49 and the FEP meter says it needs 42.44 in order to get something) so i should raise them equally...than why eat only fish? and i assume you meant roasted fish meat, most of them will raise the same stat(or at least all the fish i got so far raise int an char, or int and perc ( or something like that) so isnt this focusing on some stats only?

Use these tables to guide you:
https://ringofbrodgar.com/wiki/Category ... et_of_Fish

Focus on spitroast fish, you can also dry fish but you'll need to wait 3 days and you usually want a bigger surplus of fish for that (plus gains aren't that good and many are INT only). And yes, indeed, most fish give INT but you can focus on specific catches for specific stats. For example, in the case of spitroast fish:
For STR = Sturgeon, Pike, Perch, Brill.
For AGI = Eel, Lavaret, Brill.
For CON = Burbot, Lavaret.
And so on... You'll notice there's overlap and that pretty much all spitroast fish give 2 or more different stats. This is good, use it to balance your stats accordingly (you can get a little unlucky sometimes but nothing you cannot adjust). Also you can ignore Psyche and Charisma for the most part (and Will, to a lesser extent).

I recommend focusing on getting a high quality Roasting Spit because it heavily influences the quality of Spitroasted Fish. And invest in a Primitive Casting Rod, make different lures and fishing lines and start looking for good fishing nodes. :)

also, variety is on the specific food item or a food group? for istance: a boiled river mussel, a roasted fish and a wellplaiced pie (all sea food) are 3 separate items for food satiety, or are all "Fish food/sea food" for the game? i've read something in this forum (dont know how old it was) that was making fun on how some fish food are considered poultry by the game.

Variety is on the specific food item and it goes down over time (you cannot influence it). References to food groups for satiety reasons, are outdated.

i also dont know how much "early" in the cooking matter i am, i can make a decent amount of dishes, did you need a list ?

Most dishes are high% hunger which means they're usually inefficient for FEP gains per Hunger spent. Some of them are actually decent, like most Seafood dishes and specific items like Escargots d'Amour which can give +2 CON.
The main reason you want to eat low hunger items like spitroash fish which give 0.5 Hunger is that when you reach the point where you need to eat multiple items for 1 stat gain, you're not wasting Hunger gain excessively, and you can benefit from the Variety bonus more, as every different item you eat will reduce the total FEP needed for that stat. The Variety bonus is also why nuts and berries are so good early game: when you're 10-15% away from gaining a point, instead of eating another full dish to get a point, you can eat some of these very light and easy to get foods to push the FEP required down and get you the stat gain you need.
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Broccolo » Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:53 pm

that was very helpfull!
Aaaannnd i see that i did another huge mistake here (i think), i roast my fish, not spitroast them.. is there a huge difference? cause spitroasting is very slow and i hate it >:(

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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Hesufo » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:16 pm

Broccolo wrote:that was very helpfull!
Aaaannnd i see that i did another huge mistake here (i think), i roast my fish, not spitroast them.. is there a huge difference? cause spitroasting is very slow and i hate it >:(

Roast Fish is double the hunger, so yeah it's a big difference. Spitroasting is worth it. And they also get the Sizzling buff (+25% FEP gains within 30 mins of it finishing).

Like I said, put down 5+ fireplaces, each with a roasting spit, fill them up, and then go do any other activity. Swamp gathering, looking for quality nodes, fishing, hunting, building, foraging, crafting etc. You will end up making a habit of it, it's really not as annoying as it sounds, and fish do not take that long to finish.
Alternatively you can make an alt account and use a naked alt for spinning the roasting spits.
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Re: 2023 Hunger/FEp/Energy for dummies (me)

Postby Sevenless » Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:51 pm

Hesufo wrote:For the TLDR on mechanics:
Hunger lowers the overall bonus FEP for eating. Long-term debuff
Satiety lowers the FEP bonus of a specific item. Short-term.
VARIETY bonus lowers the total FEP required to gain a specific stat each time you eat a different food item (within a single stat gain)
The base FEP you need for the next stat gain is always based on your highest attribute.

That's a good summary. I'm gonna say though that since you can avoid hunger usage from energy burning, I've found avoiding satiations far more important. Using roast meats and roast fish meats ontop of "power" foods is something I've done all world and felt better off as a result.
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