A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone!

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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:15 pm

I'm not really sure why you guys felt the need to convert this thread into a shit throwing competition even though you are so okay with us having our own discord (cap), and first of all drag me through the mud even tho I'm not the OP nor is the server mine, I guess I feel flattered (?) that you think of me as one of the catalysts to this whole fiasco although i don't consider myself to be one.
I guess i have to sadly get into the mud with the rest of you and defend myself, very well, at least this time i get the opportunity to unlike the other times you shat on me on your discord after my ban. Let's go at it point by point:
-There were multiple instances of you saying I got multiple warnings before my ban:
You could find more examples of this but i want to keep this as concise as possible and I refuse to go through the same effort as you did of making collages of selectively chosen messages, people can look up the word "warning" on your discord for themselves.
The only warnings "I" got, and the one you clearly are so happy I "admitted" to seeing and ignoring is this one clearly about doxxing of which I was personally against, and even misa can confirm so bcs he pm'd me during the whole drama and I agreed with him that doxxing is fucked up, yet the people who doxxed went unpunished:
and this one:
None of which mentioned a prohibition on talking about misa or an instant ban for mentioning him (you can't check what i got banned for bcs big bro alg yeeted my messages when he banned me). Other people were warned, felix was warned when he tried to defend me after my ban, Robben got his message deleted when he made a pedo joke about misa couple days ago but no ban. What's up with that? Is it because I'm bad at pvp?

Second of all, the "explaining" and "timeouts":
I was not timed out by a moderator even when we were joking around on the topic the day before my ban IN FRONT OF varescka, not a timeout or even a threat of a ban. Furthermore i was given no explanation nor a possibility to present my case as my friend request is still pending, and yes Rawrz i was going to PM you first since i was told it might be wise instead of going straight to Alg. That's what i got for trying to contact you:

Now, on the topic of "asking again in 7 days" I didn't not get the memo, which is weird because peepoo did offer to ask you for me and i see you responded to him but he didn't forward that to me thus i was NOT aware of this until Austin asked you about my ban on the discord, as you can see by timestamps (since "he didn't respond my pms yet" to last message there is less than 20 minutes, and you answered to him about 2 hours later, i feel like if i don't clarify you will try to call this out) i only asked him about this today after seeing your message:
It may not have been 100% your fault on this one and I concede this point, nevertheless if you actually acted like an adult and spoke with me in DMs, instead of having me rely on middlemans (who btw reached out to me, not the other way around) to even be able to contact you, this would've not happened so I don't think you are completely blameless either. And I'm 100% sure if you reached out to any mod on the new server they would AT LEAST speak with you about any punishment they dealt.

Now onto the actual shit throwing stage of this conversation, yes we were fucking around with the automod because we thought it was retarded and we knew the messages would get blocked by it.
The number of messages is kind of a low blow you know, i type like a monkey, splitting what could be said in 1-2 messages into 5-10, and anyone can just look up any of my messages to know this, this is just how i type. I guess that's also the reason I was one of the top posters on the other discord even tho i started posting around the start of this world.

"You've all created yourself a new home and I'm happy for you and will oblige in making sure you can stay safe and warm there."
You are clearly upset about your discord being deserted, this is why you made this thread into this kind of cesspool of shit throwing that it is. Stop acting like you don't care only to get people onto our discord to count messages, making memes, making message collages that misrepresent the situations and in general shitposting just to divert people from joining another server.

I think the servers, chats and the moderation of the aforementioned should speak for themselves, and everyone can use whichever server they want based on that, there is no need for this monkey shit throwing bullshit.
Honestly this thread should be thrown into Hel, and a new one should be made in which you don't directly sperg out in the second post, it shouldn't be too difficult since you are "happy for us" and "don't care".

Now I could spend hours and hours scouring your discord for your messages, and providing context to some of mine but I don't think it's really necessary, i called a pedo pedo, and his defenders pedo apologists, that's all there is to it. I got banned because big brother Alg came back to the server (After being an absent parent for years, i guess getting ownership/DM'd about misa incident made him unmute the server) and needed a scapegoat to make an example out of and you know it damn well, but since it's Alg and not Varescka you can't just throw him under the bus. Btw. second poster in this thread is Varescka (yes we know) and his screenshoots are clearly meant to misrepresent the situation and make us look bad (timestamps non chronological, lack of context messages), anyone can join the server and read out the whole thing if they are interested.

And I would appreciate if you fucked off my person so I don't have to get into the mud with you again, I wanted to have a civil conversation with you a few days after the ban and you refused while publicly shaming me, I'm not interested in furthering this discourse if possible, especially on a public platform in a post about a new discord server that you somehow relate to me so much that you felt the need to make a collage of my messages in the first response.

I invite everyone else to join the new discord and see if you like it (80% of what we talk about is NOT the old server, and you can check instead of believing someone who is not on the server and has a clear interest in the server not succeeding), if you don't you are free to go back to the old one, don't let shit throwing affect your decision making.
Last edited by Dawidio123 on Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:13 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby DonVelD » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:18 pm

Friendly reminder: in the discord server this thread is about you can PM Ratmail so mods can respond to you quicker than ever :D
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Vert » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:35 pm

I went to the server and discovered that it was not official.

I don’t like that I’m being misled, do the forum rules allow the creation of deliberately false headlines?
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby lamegreen » Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:48 pm

Vert wrote:I went to the server and discovered that it was not official.

I don’t like that I’m being misled, do the forum rules allow the creation of deliberately false headlines?

It actually is offical, It was made by the head of the haven community and has most of the haven community there

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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Zyean » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:40 pm

We need to slow mode shaki, he's too powerful...


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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Vert » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:30 pm

lamegreen wrote:
Vert wrote:I went to the server and discovered that it was not official.

I don’t like that I’m being misled, do the forum rules allow the creation of deliberately false headlines?

It actually is offical, It was made by the head of the haven community and has most of the haven community there

Don’t forget to notify Discord that they are misinterpreting the concept of an official channel. and their rules are nonsense.
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Fostik » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:32 pm

Oof swimmingbird banned, did anyone showed him how two bradleys screwed t90?
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby abt79 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 3:56 pm

Astarisk wrote:
DonVelD wrote:you also banned shaki, said you never want to see him on the server again then argued on the discord that you told him you'll think about unbanning him (never happened)

You have a whole fucking discord to team up against me with and this is the best you can come up with?

This is my bad (towards shaki not you) because I genuinely did not tell him this and this post is how he found out. In my defense I was assuming you would be able to tell him directly like an adult. Alg’s reasoning for banning shaki was that “he’d been warned multiple times” when you know that’s bullshit.

You’ve been spouting so much about the evils of the new discord “clique” (which seems to include several enemy factions and like 75% of your friends?) yet the new weirdness of the Hedgehug Discord Mod Clique - the clique that has actual power in the once-popular server you moderate - was the cause of all this in the first place.

Rawrz when jorb bans him in retarded moderating decision: :evil:
Rawrz when his friends make retarded moderating decisions: :)

MartelMurder wrote:Hey man I jo
ined your discord and all I saw were a bunch of dudes raiding some woman's twitch for her onlyfans links. What am I missing?


Raiding? She literally joined the Real Official Discord and has been sending us pictures of her kitties :mrgreen: tho I suppose you discord jannie neckbeards have been reading malicious intent into all sorts of normal ppl shit lately.

Anyways happy to see im putting up stats in both discords :) its only weird cuz I barely post in old Moderator Powertrip discord anymore, hmmm why am I still top poster then…….
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Dawidio123 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:09 pm

MartelMurder wrote:
lamegreen wrote:You're all welcome to join the new offical haven and hearth discord :D

Hey man I joined your discord and all I saw were a bunch of dudes raiding some woman's twitch for her onlyfans links. What am I missing?

Btw, i feel like i need to set this one straight since varescka is clearly trying to misrepresent the situation in his post and make it seem like the messages are somehow related to each other, i mean it will probably work since 90% of people won't go to the last page of the post to read the correction (nice mods you have there):
Those 4 messages are basically completely unrelated, those are the same messages but in correct order and with added context:
Zadek hating on smokers, nothing new.
snail trolling as per usual, afaik there is no onlyfans, it was just a simp bait
In this one Ghoul was answering to me, because i did find her on the public map and posted her coordinates. This is exactly what would've happened on your discord if it wasn't abandoned.

The next day when she joined our discord, we helped her out, sent her a link to claim safety guide, told her to hide her minimap, and basically warned her about the dangers of streaming hnh. On top of that kitties :D
Last edited by Dawidio123 on Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A new Offical Haven & Hearth Discord server for everyone

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:34 pm

I am at the edge of my seat wondering which server will court the most autists in their desire to become (or remain) official(tm) discord mods.
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