Thingwall names and automatically placed flags not working

The worst monsters in the Hearthlands warp the fabric of space and time...

Thingwall names and automatically placed flags not working

Postby xyzzy57 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:30 pm

The following applies to thingwalls NOT previously in a player's map. It was first seen by me a few hours after the Buzzcut Board update.

The story necessarily involves two clients. Replicating the whole thing with the official client is impractical; I'd have to switch to using that client exclusively until I happened to discover another Thingwall not already on my map. It's _possible_ that by the time I switched from Ender to Official to check the behaviour there, some kind of damage was already done to my saved map.

Using the Ender client, I discovered a thingwall not already on my map.

I could find no way to determine the thingwall name. It did not show on the minimap, or on the big ctrl-a map, or when I interacted with the thingwall. There was no icon on the mini-map. There was the word "thingwall". Stepping through all the "natural" flags categorized as Thingwall, and clicking on each one, none showed the location of this thingwall, and there was none with any of the three names I thought this one likely to have. I placed a flag at the spot, at the correct location.

I then switched to the official client. I got almost the same incorrect behaviour. There *was* an icon on the mini-map, but no name there, or on the ctrl-a map, or available when interacting with the thingwall. Stepping through all my "natural" thingwall flags didn't show an appropriate name or location.

I removed the manually placed flag, as I've seen issues before where with two flags at the same spot, the name of one of them doesn't display in the minimap or ctrl-a map. That didn't cause a natural flag to suddenly appear. I restored my manual flag for lack of any better option.

I have had other issues with my map, which is very large, the results of many imports and exports. It's possible there's some interaction here, but this particular behaviour is (a) brand new and (b) very very bad.

I noticed two other oddities, which may or may not be additional new bugs, or part of this one.

1) I'd been hunting over a largish territory looking for a cave, expecting it to show on the minimap and the ctrl-a map as soon as I got near enough for resources to show, and to remain there after I went out of range. No joy, in this area new to me. Caves still show properly in areas I'd discovered more than 2 RL days ago.

This behaviour is consistent with (a) an unusual absence of caves in this area *or* (b) caves no longer being visible under the same terms as before. (Could they now be behaving like burrows and mirkwood logs - you can only see them on the main playing area, but not on either map?)

I didn't spend enough time with the official client to verify whether this behaviour also occurs with it. (I found no new caves, but it was late afternoon on a full moon, so I stopped exploring fairly soon after the switch.)

2) I believe that thingwalls which are part of kingdoms display the kingdom banner. I believe I was in a kingdom at the time of discovering this thingwall, but you wouldn't know it from the banner. Maybe that's normal behaviour for the official client, or maybe this kingdom has a strangely bland banner.
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Re: Thingwall names and automatically placed flags not worki

Postby xyzzy57 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:31 pm

A cave appeared in previously explored territory when I went through it again, after downloading the Ender client version released after the Buzzcut Board update and described as "merging changes from the official client" or similar.

I haven't been back to the Thingwall in question to see whether that problem also fixes itself with the new version. But I doubt it, since using the official client didn't help. Unless of course one has to walk into the area, rather than already being there, to get the situation to correct itself.
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Re: Thingwall names and automatically placed flags not worki

Postby xyzzy57 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:09 pm

When I walked back towards the Thingwall in question, using the updated Ender client, that client showed a thingwall icon in the big ctrl-a map, and the name Kinfors in white text on top of the map, unfortunately in a barely legible font. My placed flag also showed with similar semi-legible text, even harder to read because of appearing as white on yellow. I was far enough away that I would not quite have expected new unvisited ground to be revealed.

The "natural" flag Kinfors is now in my list of Thingwalls.

Once I spotted this I did "switch character", then switched to the official client.

That showed both a thingwall and a placed flag icon. No illegible white text; that's presumably an ender problem. Mousing over the two icons I saw tool tips "Kinfors" and "Thingwall with no name".

I was able to find Kinfors in the list of natural flags with the official client also.

So it appears that *both* the missing cave and the messed up nameless thingwall issues self-repaired after loading the updated ender client and revisiting areas that were missing information.
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