My Adventures Journal :3

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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Mystic_Nomad » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:47 pm

Antvgr wrote:
Lorefin wrote:

You have got a lovely garden :3 Keep it up! It warms hearing about your friendly village.

It's a lot of fun being a part of The Great Hermitage!

Every time i walk through the village there is something new, i'm glad i joined
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:21 pm

I started paving the ground for the village idol... yet I didn't feel it was the best of pavements, it looked rather cheap. It was during the late night, everything was ready for the construction, I was checking how it fitted together.... and that's when a boar sat down in the middle and refused to go. It was like - nope! I'm sitting here, you ain't doing this ugly idol here. The boar is displeased! I saw it as a sign to improve my pavements and I went to sleep, planning to redo it the next day.

The boar desires moar imagination out of my brute human soul.

Sir, I know it wasn't looking pretty unimpressing, I just paved a bunch of squares to figure it out. I'm already changing it, could you please move instead of showing me your ass.




How I finished it will be in the next post (this was boar-posting). We gave it a very epic background, kinda the only one fitting background to be behind directly behind the idol :D
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:22 pm

My friend didn't have a farm-house. I was thinking about building him one but we also thought about a mill. Then, a powerful neighbouring miner came back to the game I think. I was doing something at my base and I heard "stranger-danger", someone at the village was running around so I didn't pay much attention to it untill I saw something purple standing at my wall, I almost jumped at my chair and wrote "SOME PRO AT OUR GATE" xD It was a Russian and we were writing with a google translator. He remembers original owners of my village so he must been there for a long time! Later I asked if he has 5 pieces of some low q wrought iron so we can create a level 5 minehole.... he passed me a 150q one so I was like omg, maybe I'll create some sword out of it. i was thinking to maybe hide it somewhere on my alt or some cupboard but I went down to my level 4 and put it into a stockpile.. the thing is, I got somehow robbed out of it. Ive just built the level 4 at that time and I didn't claim it yet... and I left the gate open by a mistake when I went to sleep, totally forgetting about that wrought iron. A GOOD WEEK LATER, I was like - wtf, where is the wrought iron? I looked at every container, every stockpile and it was gone.. I totally forgot about it, thinking its lying down somewhere. I was like wtf, someone had to snatch it while the gate was open. Other than the claim, I improved my cave defense by introducing Visitor Gates too. So I was really surprised because I thought these cave tunnels are totally forgotten and inactive. I also suspected one of my neighbour that had a free access to my village, I mean that when he was traveling down and top the minehole, he got blocked by the stockpile, took it, saw 5 pieces of W.Iron, thought to himself - hmm nice and took it lol.. but I also suspect some stranger because at one point, I saw some q50 ore near level 3 gate was thrown out, I mean someone was there, checked what's it and thrown it off after seeing its some low q ore. I asked my villagers and noone of them had done it, I think they wouldnt throw off any ore on the ground. So perhaps someone was stalking area close to my walls.

I had to admit to my neighbour what happened to his. w.iron and he showed me a lot of iron veins with various qualities. I've gained a new iron by smelting and I hope the new owner of that previous w.iron uses it well :D


When I built the blue curio/bedroom house to accomodate new villagers from an earlier post, I held my villagers rope-hostage if you such a phrase even exists. They couldn't produce ropes. I had to smash two rope walks.. I mean, the location of the new curio house was about to be directly at the place of the old rope walk. I smashed it to prepare the area, paved the ground and went to sleep. Next day, I see an another rope walk built at excatly the same place.. Well, noone quessed it was smashed for a reason. had to smash it again and I built the house but I didnt remake the ropewalk somewhere else yet... because I was supposed to visit a certain local market, buy a new good high q saw and make a high q rope-walk using boards cut with this new saw.. I was busy and delayed the travel for a few days, in the meantime I heard - hurr durr where is the ropewalk, my answer was obvuously - Don't do a shitty q15 ropewalk again! I'm building it... soon... someday.. xd

But eventaully I made the travel because we were preparing to buil a mill as we got the mentioned iron.. This was a little backstory to it, including the robbery - the mill will be in yet another post :D

I moved the ropewalk into this tiny corner that touches an useless rocky ground that cannot serve for much or even be paved on hat I'm now trying to use for stockpiles. I used a stone fence instead of paving to make it look a bit more pretty and organised.

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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Lorefin » Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:46 am


The mill had to be close to the main granary.. after investigating where to put it, the conclussion was pretty clear. We gave the Village Idol the most epic background possible, it was obvious it had to be aligned perfectly behind the Village Idol, it even was at the place where two roads met.


I like that our Windmill is used for the main farm storage. A lot of Windmills I saw in some ruined villages were built far back as an after-thought in propably later part of the game, I mean when the village gained an acces to iron and already established itself. Earlier, I saw normal houses near the farmland used as, well, main farmhouses. They were propably built earlier, even before Iron and later when the village could build a mill, they placed it a bit further and it often stood pretty empty! We didn't have a dedicated farmhouse so the mill is going to be it :D

My friend sent me a saved black-and-white design he downloaded from somewhere but it was pretty ugly, colours looked a bit too "outstandish" with each other, I've noticed it on a lot of designs I tried on the online haven designer site that usually worked for houses, they kinda didn't with the Windmill. I also tried something with a tint of blue to match the Idol but it also wasn't the best outcome, the mill didn't have much viable designs tbh so I prefered to make a good looking one instead of doing an ugly blue-tinted one. My friend went to find a Plane tree and he traveled for a hour... without even finding one UNTILL HE FOUND AN ABANDONED VILLAGE that had them planted, it was pretty lucky xD We ended up with something akin to an italian-town like design.


I paved Gabbro under it to make it somehow connected to the Idol's colour theme but I had no idea which pavement would be good for a path near it so I just smacked it all with Gabbro. I ofc plan more flowers in garden pots around the mill. At the back, you see a house on the hill and it's a Treehouse that my friend built, it has to be "wild" to have some space for trees around, it's gonna remind that way :D It's the nature's oasis amongst the village of stone.

I also replaced flowers under the idol with white Yarrow, I fired a bunch of low q garden pots for it, it's purely decorative. My friend put normal high q Chives there some time ago but I've taken them somewhere else and now I'll decide if Yarrow is better :D

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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby caz » Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:52 am

Great thread, nice to see the progression... Though were you planning to toss the 150q wrought in a minehole?

(idk what quality is considered decent now)
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Antvgr » Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:09 am

So awesome to see good designed village. Too many people go function over form.
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Re: My Adventures Journal :3

Postby Kontodokryptokont » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:07 pm

Yo brother, can I play with you? I am a new player and i dont wanna play alone.
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