Bribed referee?

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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby vatas » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:07 pm

I once wrote this wall of text about "hat or die":

vatas wrote:Well since this thread was already necro'd by a bot...

Main concern I have with "hat or die" is that it largely relies on the same pressure tactic often used by scammers, meant to bypass your critical thinking and instead act emotionally.

One example of this is someone calling you, claiming they are from IRS (US tax authority) and saying that you will go to jail for tax evasion unless you pay right now. If you give this some serious thought, you should come to the conclusion that IRS probably doesn't extort money from people -well they don't do that over the phone. However, the scam relies on your brain instantly flicking to "I don't want to go to jail" and paying up.

Bit unlikely but absolute worst case scenario: someone spawns in, plays few hours. Slowly getting hang on things and thinking this game could be really fun. Then someone appears in their camp and tells them that unless they cough up 100 dollar hat, they will be killed.

Of course, this is ludicrous and the reasonable response would be to disconnect from the game and start a new character. But this game is marketed as mmoRPG! Aren't you supposed to get attached to the character you are playing? Maybe 100 dollars is too ludicrous and most people wouldn't pay, but maybe it's used as starting point and when extortioner agrees to take 15 dollar hat instead, it feels like a great deal.

Until extortioner leaves and extorted realizes they just paid 15 dollars to not lose 3 hours of progress, most of which was gaining game knowledge that would transfer to new character. They feel completely ripped off and quit the game entirely.

Simple solution could be to only allow trading permanent, account-bound items between accounts in Valhalla. Assuming the people most susceptible to the extortion only have a single account, Perpetrator would have to let the target log out or create an entire new account to dualbox the trade with, in order for them to be able to give into the demands. This extra step should remove (or at least strongly mitigate) the acute pressure -aspect that I raised the concern about in my Wall of Text.

Current system: you can swoop in and convince someone to give up RMT item before their rational brain can even properly process the system.

Proposed system: you swoop in, have to let them escape (log out) or convince them to 1. Create a second account 2. Spend money on that second account 3. Dual-box log-in to the game while their "main" is beign held "hostage."
The most actively maintained Haven and Hearth Wiki (Not guaranteed to be up-to-date with all w14 changes.)

Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong) (I recommend you read it in it's entirety, but TL:;DR: Build a Palisade.)

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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby Robben_DuMarsch » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:10 pm

Is hat or die actually a serious problem?
I thought it was just a meme.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby Zentetsuken » Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:16 pm

The "hat or die" strategy in Haven and Hearth, where players demand valuable hat items from others under the threat of player versus player (PvP) combat, presents several significant issues within the game's ecosystem, particularly when considering the game's encouragement of PvP and its acknowledgment of the inherent unfairness of certain aspects. Firstly, while PvP is indeed a fundamental aspect of Haven and Hearth, the "hat or die" tactic distorts the intended nature of player combat. Instead of engaging in PvP for strategic or competitive reasons, players are coerced into combat under the threat of losing valuable items, which can be acquired through real-world monetary transactions. This introduces a dimension of real-world unfairness and even hints at a form of virtual extortion, as players are essentially forced to choose between relinquishing their possessions or engaging in potentially unfavorable confrontations. Moreover, the concept of fairness in PvP is relative in Haven and Hearth. While the game acknowledges that PvP encounters may not always be balanced, the "hat or die" strategy exacerbates this imbalance by introducing an additional layer of coercion and inequality. Players who have invested real-world money into acquiring valuable hats are unfairly targeted, disrupting the equilibrium of the game's PvP dynamics and undermining the sense of fairness that is essential for maintaining a healthy gaming environment. Furthermore, the prevalence of the "hat or die" mentality detracts from the immersive experience of Haven and Hearth. Instead of focusing on the strategic elements of PvP combat or the collaborative aspects of gameplay, players are preoccupied with the fear of being extorted or bullied by others. This detracts from the enjoyment of the game and diminishes its potential as a virtual world where players can freely explore, interact, and engage in meaningful experiences. In conclusion, while PvP is an integral part of Haven and Hearth, the "hat or die" strategy represents a problematic manifestation of player interaction. By exploiting the real-world value of virtual items and introducing unfair coercion into PvP encounters, this tactic undermines the game's principles of fairness and immersion, ultimately detracting from the overall gaming experience. As such, it is imperative for developers and communities to address and discourage such exploitative behaviors to ensure the long-term health and vitality of the game.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby IchBin » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:52 pm

Justforthis wrote:Your overall qualm, that the real world circumstances affect competitive ability within the game is not something that can be adjusted for in any game ever. That would be retarded.
But in haven it's actually being encouraged and that's even more retarded.

That's what I meant when I wrote answer under original post: "I don’t think there must be radical changes in players interaction mechanics, pvp included, just make sure that gravity law works for everyone equally and then let the dedication or patience decide." You can make native client to be whatever you like, just make it the same for everyone and ban all the others. Otherwise it's like you are going to hold a velorace but allowing to parcipiate with motobikes and even cars.

Justforthis wrote:I do think that private clients, botting and scripting are. The official client should be good and enforced. No "only 4 possible camera angles" bullshit.

The developers have basically outsourced the UI to those with capacity to make their own clients which they are then free to share or not share. So someone could make a client optimized for pvp more so than others, and keep it to themselves.
This is bringing the balancing of the game outside the game itself. Some upper class programmer who doesn't have to work can just spend enough time and crate scripts for combat and whatnot and the fight will be unfair.

That's the point. And it's silly when there is talk about skills when it's more about the right tools.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby IchBin » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:57 pm

DonVelD wrote:the effort you spent on this fucking wall of text could've been spent on a client or bot LMAO

also you are missing the point anything you said will NEVER have anything of enough value for me to read it all

tldr; waste of time


Too much attention from Your person if you don't value or are not interested in my opinion. Answers, demands... Sounds like cognitive dissonance, don't You think?

P.S. My apologies beforehand for some bIG wORdS in case You will need to use chatgpt again.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:14 am

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Is hat or die actually a serious problem?

I've personally taken 2-3k AUD retail price in hats. It's a lot slower than it used to be, though. In world 12 I'd commonly get a half dozen hats in a day, nowadays it's only a few per week on average.

vatas wrote:Proposed system: you swoop in, have to let them escape (log out) or convince them to 1. Create a second account 2. Spend money on that second account 3. Dual-box log-in to the game while their "main" is beign held "hostage."

It's already common to get people to X-log while you've them in aggro on your main, then purchase hats and trade them in valhalla while their main still exists in the world.

I don't think Jorbtar will ever stop a hat or die equivalents. It would strictly require active moderation, which they've proven time and again they won't do. Boi has put out like 3 patches this year. They're not gonna spend the several hours per day required to moderate, and if they did IMO they'd probably do a bad job anyway.

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Custom clients are more or less UI addons

You don't know what you're talking about.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby rainboweye » Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:19 am

I think regarding murder, it should be a skill that only works on hearhtlings that have bought the same skill. And the skill would be required for realms. it could be the skill of "war" or something so the name fits it better.

perma-death would still be caused by everything else other than murder by a hearthling.

So a hearthling who wants to murder someone will only be able to knock them out and not kill them; unless both players agreed, by buying the skill, to do PvP in a way that can cause death.

This way I can be safe from murder by trolls that kill for no reason. At the end of the day this is a game and if I keep being trolled and murdered by idiots for fun I will quit. I wont play. It's a game for fun. One troll killing ppl for fun causes tens of players to quit forever.

This way the hardcore-ness of everything will be preserved as it will always be dangerous to go out since I can be KO'd. But I can't kill anyone or be killed by anyone unless I want to be a big leader of a realm or something that requires war.

Then these people who buy the skill can troll each other or war each other as they like as they all agreed to buy the skill.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby SnuggleSnail » Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:14 am

Death by a thousand cuts in the form of dickheads pleading for things to be just slightly lower stakes and just slightly more convoluted every week for 15 years straight. Haven is unrecognizable from what it once was. It earnestly makes me sad.
Last edited by SnuggleSnail on Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby vatas » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:30 am

I think some changes to Legacy permadeath were absolutely necessary. "Survivability onion" or the like for a new player that isn't directly recruited to an existing village:

1) No Palisade.

Hope nobody with Rage/Murder finds you, because they likely can just club you to death like a baby seal (kind of defeatist, but chances are the attacker is carrying more water, especially if he is after some seal clubbing specifically.)

2) Palisade, but no Brick Wall yet.

Hope nobody who can palibash finds you during the time it takes to acquire brickwall materials.

3) Brick Wall.

Any time you dare venture outside, there is a risk that someone much more prepared for a PvP encounter attacks and permakills you.


Like Snail already pointed out, key operative word is probably "convoluted." There are so many factors involved, many of them outright counter-intuitive. The simplest example is that you're being chased by someone with two-handed axe, and your escape route is blocked by a deep river. So obviously you should just swim across? Using that kind of common sense in this particular scenario gets you killed with almost 100% certainty. All the axeman needs to do is to use a big attack during the swim, and your character is stuck drowning to death.

"Well, he has a massive axe, he would kill me anyway?" NOPE, that is where "KO protection" comes in. If attacker fails to land a hit that directly kills target (only KO), game doesn't let the target be hit anymore (can still be looted) and unless they actively change the KO Window from "Travel back to your hearth fire" to "Remain in place" they will teleport to safety (assuming their HF location is secure, which it should be.) This does NOT work while in deep water, because Jorb insists that Deep Water should be dangerous (honestly he kind of has a point, but it is far too easy to drown people -other way is to KO person in a boat, then bash the boat, game only registers Assault and Battery instead of murder despite direct causality between attack and target drowning. Not sure if people care but aside from making the KO 100% lethal, scent timer is also reduced from 8d8h to 2d16h)

And to reiterate the "convoluted" -aspect, you also need to check your equipment screen immediately after waking up - the attacker may have put leeches on you, that will KO you again since you are at 1 SHP, and leech KO is as severe as any other KO (I once got into an argument about this, someone insisted that of course you get Concussion if you faint from blood loss and hit your head on the way down. My only recourse was to complain that my character got up and went down again before he could even finish the animation (in-game logic: Hearthling gets up instead of removing leeches that he should be aware caused him to go down; game design logic: something like a one-second window to act before another leech bites.)


Jorb has managed to create a system where it is easy to permakill random hermits and sprucecaps, but because all the convoluted ways he has applied, in hopes of them not dying, also apply to factionbois - you can't actually kill people in faction PvP. There's a separate argument that this is a good thing because otherwise there would be a snowball effect of one faction winning fights and having to fight weaker opponents next time, because they're still in processs o rebuilding their characters. Also, their equipment was most likely looted (it is common practice to drop everything on a character to the ground after KO even if you don't need any of the gear yourself, just to deny them from the target.)


Dunno, most "simple" solutions tend to be about just adding in more "convolution."
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Basic Claim Safety (And what you’re doing wrong) (I recommend you read it in it's entirety, but TL:;DR: Build a Palisade.)

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Re: Bribed referee?

Postby Faravidus » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:31 am

Robben_DuMarsch wrote:Is hat or die actually a serious problem?
I thought it was just a meme.

Playing since W4 ~ faravid88 on Discord ~
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