Haven & Hearth Client -- Copying Rights This file documents the copying rights of the Haven & Hearth client source tree. The source tree is partitioned into a few sections, each with their own copying restrictions. These partitions and their respective licensing details are as follows: * The files in the `src/haven' directory and its subdirectories are the main source code of the client. It is subject to the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of this license can be found in the file `doc/LGPL-3' in this source tree. The copyright to all these files is owned by Fredrik Tolf and Björn Johannessen. * The files in the `lib' directory are external libraries and are, thus, owned by third parties. All the files mentioned in the `lib/ext' subdirectory are not actually distributed with this source tree, but are donwloaded externally as part of the initial build process. The owners and licenses of these files are as follows: - lib/ext/jogl/: The files in this subdirectory are part of JOGL, the Java OpenGL implementation. They are not compiled into the client binary, but just included for the compilation classpath. They are, as far as I can tell, co-owned by Sun Microsystems and the JogAmp community, and licensed under a BSD license. Please see its homepage, , for further and current details. - lib/jglob.jar: This is a simple annotation processor for collecting various type lists in the source code. It was written by me, Fredrik Tolf, and can be considered to be in the public domain. Source code can be had at . - lib/ext/builtin-res.jar, lib/ext/hafen-res.jar: These files contain varios data files with game content that are not downloaded on-demand by the client from the website. In particular, hafen-res.jar merely contains pre-downloaded copies of some resources to avoid on-demand loading of files that are almost certain to be needed, whereas builtin-res.jar contains files that are used internally by the client and therefore needed for "bootstrapping" the client. As such, hafen-res.jar could be completely removed with only potential loss of performance (rather than functionality), while as for builtin-res.jar, the client would either have to be modified to not need it, or the graphics in it would have to be replaced in order to run without its more stringently licensed contents. Their contents are owned by us, Fredrik Tolf and Björn Johannessen, and we reserve all rights to them. * The files in the `src/com/jcraft' directory are part of JCraft's open source implementation of the OGG and Vorbis multimedia formats. They have been extracted into the source tree to support some local modifications. They are licensed under the LPGL, version 2.1, and appear to be owned by JCraft, Inc. Its homepage is . * The files in the `src/dolda/xiphutil' directory are files constituting a simple library for actually using JCraft's Jogg/Jorbis libraries. It was written by me, Fredrik Tolf, and can be considered to be in the public domain. * The file `etc/icon.png' is the icon used for the main client window. You're perfectly free to copy it verbatim or replace it as you wish, but it should be considered our trademark. * The majority of the other files, including the Ant build file (`build.xml') and the various small scripts and insignificant data files in the `etc' directory (except `etc/icon.png', as described above) can be considered to be in the public domain. * The build script, when run by Ant, will produce lots of stuff in the `build' directory. It comes from all over the source tree, and will thus be subject to various of the above licenses. Particularly worthy of notice, however, is the `build/hafen.jar' file, which is the build script's primary output. It will consist of files compiled from the `src' directory, some resources from the `etc' directory (including our amazing trademark icon), and the extracted JCraft files. Thus, excepting our trademark, award-winning icon, it will be LPGL and a little bit public domain. Then, obviously, you're basically free to do whatever you like with it as long as you make sure to distribute the corresponding source code (and remember to honor our acclaimed, trademark icon). It must be noticed that the Git repository which is the main keeper of this source tree contains, in historical versions, copies of the game resources (this was before the file `hafen-res.jar' existed). In these versions, they are located in a directory named `res'. They are subject to the same terms as `lib/ext/hafen-res.jar' as described above. You are free to copy them around verbatim as part of the Git repository. If, for any reason, you decide to publish a historical version of this source tree which contains these resources, or any derivative work thereof, you must add a notice pointing this fact out, and the fact that they are owned by Fredrik Tolf and Björn Johannessen, and are proprietary to us. If you change the source code so as to incorporate other files of new ownership or other licenses (like your own stuff), you should remember to update this file accordingly, so as to not confuse any new recipients. Do notice, however, that if you wish us to incorporate any changes you make into our mainline client, as published on Haven's & Hearth's website, we will require you to turn over the copyright ownership to us. Please see the README for details (the "Contributing back" section). -- This file was authored by Fredrik Tolf. It was last updated 2021-08-29.